Monday, July 28, 2014

My Truth

My truth will never by your truth because there is no way of transferring truth from one person to another.

If you think you already know, you will never know. If you think you already know, what is the point of searching.

The Book of Understanding by OSHO

Religion and it's teachers say they know. They say this is the way. This is the only way. When you hear that, you stop searching for the way. "Our way or the highway (to hell.)" These teachers don't want you exploring other possibilities.

Friday, July 25, 2014

What Do You Know?

A true religion will admit that only a few things are known, much more is unknown and something will always remain unknowable.

There is doubt and doubt is not destroyed by believing. Doubt is destroyed by experiencing. Doubt and go on inquiring until you find. Whosoever inquiries, finds. Nobody has come emptyhanded from an authentic inquiry.

The Book of Understanding by OSHO

Monday, July 21, 2014

A New View

The moment you believe in something, you have stopped inquiring. TRUE. Belief is one of the most poisonous things to destroy human intelligence.

Two thousand years of teaching...has it changed the nature of poverty? NO. It has done only one thing--it has killed the revolutionary spirit in the poor. Poverty goes on growing in leaps and bounds.

True religion can only be one, just like science. You don't have a Mohammedan physics, a Hindu physics, a Christian physics: that would be nonsense. But that's what the religions have done-they have made the whole earth a madhouse.

A science is one, then why should the science of the inner not be one?

Objective science deals with things, subjective science deals with being.

The Book of Understanding by OSHO

Monday, May 26, 2014

Without Spot or Blemish

Ephesians 5:27: That He (Christ) might present it (the Church) to Himself, a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.

I was quoting it incorrectly. I would say, Christ is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle and no one corrected me.

In Strong's Concordance, it says:  #4696-spot: a stain or blemish. ie. defect, disgrace.  #4512-wrinkle: a fold (as drawing together), ie. a wrinkle (esp on the face).

Though I was quoting the Scripture incorrectly, I took the it to mean Christ was coming back for a perfect church. Can the church become perfect BEFORE He returns (for those who believe He is not here yet)? Can the church be without blemish if we, the church, are fighting each other? Different denominations fighting each other, Jews fighting Muslims fighting Christians and anyone else who is not Christian? All in the name of God. How is that holy and without blemish?

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fear God

How many of you will admit to being scared of God? There are many Scriptures that begin "Fear Not." And many Scriptures that contain the words, "fear God, fear of God", etc.

I was taught that the word fear meant to reverence God. That's not how it's translated in my spirit. To me, it means to be afraid. Afraid that if I mess up, I will be cast into eternal damnation. After all, God Himself repented that He made man and destroyed everyone and everything except those in the ark (and I guess the creatures in the sea) and then said He would not destroy the earth/His creation by water again. Next time He will use fire. WHAT THE WHAT!!! That means He PLANS TO DESTROY US AGAIN!!!! He said so. Good reason to fear God, don't you think? Not reverence, but shaking in fear. .We've been taught to be afraid of God

Monday, May 19, 2014

Offend God

You cannot offend God any more than you can offend wind. He said He is no respecter of persons.

Friday, May 16, 2014

You Might Want to Question Your Beliefs

Dale Carnegie said, "any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered will begin to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available."

Beliefs create facts whether true or false.

Bishop Carlto Pearson, "If you believe it, you become a victim of your belief."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Which is Stronger: Good or Evil?

1 Corinthians 15:33. Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. In other words, evil company corrupts good habits.

Why is it that evil is more powerful than good? Isn't that what the above Scripture says?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Wheat and tares

Interesting that in the New Testament, we are taught to let the wheat and tares grow together but in the Old Testament, God says He will destroy those who hate Him. Again I ask, did the Omni-everything God, the all knowing One not know before hand that some of His creation would hate Him?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Why did God need blood sacrifice? 

Look at mythology, horror stories, creature features, etc. To appease the gods who were always angry (think of the God of the Old Testament), a young virgin (never a male virgin) had to die. Or an unblemished calf, 1st born of the flock. Even King Kong was given a native girl as sacrifice until the white woman showed up. (That's a whole other story.) Dragons and other fierce beasts guarded the gold and the virgin, neither of which the beasts had need for.

In the Old Testament, there was a lot of sacrificing going on. Look at the Temple. One part of it was covered in blood. Imagine the smell yet this was supposed to be a sweet smelling savor in the nostrils of God. The High Priest wore a rope with bells attached so his body could be pulled from the Holy of Holies if he dared go before God in an unclean or sinful state. (Those outside the temple listened to hear if they no longer heard the bells.) Gives new meaning to the phrase, "the fear of the Lord".

In todays society, many are against capital punishment. Interesting that capital punishment runs through the history of man from the beginning to the present. Jesus was the first to die-the Lamb slain before the foundatioin of the earth. Cain slew Abel and on it goes. Millions killed in Africa, Syria, Eastern Europe, North Korea and other places even today. Millions of Jews killed in Germany. One race trying to eliminate another (usually in the name of God). African Americans still being sacrificed through "stand your ground" laws in 2014. Native Americans slaughtered, the Crusades, the Inquisition, etc. Sanctioned by God. The difference now is that you may not be sacrificed on an alter but if you don't obey, if you make a mistake, if you commit adultery, or smoke a cigarette or commit some other sin and die before repenting, you will spend eternity (how long is that again?) in torment and agony. Then we turn the page and we meet the God of Love. And I'm told to love this God because He loves me.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

GOD IS?????

Your concept of God is the most important thing in your life. In what God do you believe? A mean, terrifying, terrorizing, obey-me-or-else, slap you down and burn you in hell forever, racist, sexist God? Or do you believe in a God of love?

First of all, why He? Why not She, It, Them? Next, why would He create ALL mankind and then select one group out of the many as His Chosen? After all, if He is all knowing, surely He knew this would cause division and disharmony, pitting one group of His creation against ALL the rest of His creation.

No religion has a monopoly on God.